• Believe in Christ • Encourage Always • Lift Everyone •

Meet Deborah

Deborah is an encourager, supporter, helper, peace seeker, teacher , writer, friend, honorary mother and happy GG.

She is a retired probation officer, family history researcher , wreath maker , baby diaper gift creator and virtual journey walker.

Missionaries found her in Nova Scotia, Canada. She served a mission in Japan. Deborah went to BYU Provo and earned a Social Work Degree, and to the University of Toronto for a Masters Degree in Adult Education.


She loves to learn and expand her knowledge. You will often find her in the midst of completing an assignment for an online course. A manager once asked her “When will you stop taking courses?” Her reply was “Hopefully never! There is so much yet to know.”


She has always been filled with a desire to share her love of art, an appreciation of music, and gospel insights all with the purpose to share her love of Jesus Christ and His presence in her life.


She now faces the challenge of finding a balance in her dual role as caregiver to her mother while also requiring caregiving.


Heavenly Father made it impossible for her to live elsewhere so she moved to Raymond, Alberta.

You can connect with Deborah through A Worldwide Sisterhood at info@aworldwidesisterhood.com.



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