A mom, proving that it is possible to follow your dreams and raise 6 amazing kids as she puts her trust in the Lord and His plan for her.
A young women’s leader who recognized a need and held the space for me in my grief, not necessarily saying anything but allowing me to just grieve.
The young woman whose friend’s house burned down and organized a book drive to provide her friend with the much-loved books that were lost.
The woman in a small branch that showed me how to fulfill a calling as Primary president that I would soon be called to, something that as a young newlywed seemed daunting.
The wife of a branch president in the MTC who saw courage within me, even when it was hard to see myself.
A mother-in-law who consistently seeks and then acts on the ways that she can serve others.
The sister, who in spite of the grief she felt, drove to the foothills to give me a bundle of craft projects to keep me occupied in the midst of my miscarriage.
“Sisters, do you realize the breadth and scope of your influence when you speak those things that come to your heart and mind as directed by the Spirit?” This was a question that President Nelson shared in his talk, “Spiritual Treasures” in Oct 2015.
Take a moment and ponder that question.
Do you realize your scope of influence?
Each of the women above had a profound impact in my life. They have been foundational in strengthening me when I’ve needed more strength, in helping me to see my potential, and in being an example to me of loving service. And usually, that impact happened because of small and simple things that they did. They may not even realize the effect that such things they’ve done have had on me.
Sometimes the things that you do may seem small or inconsequential, but the truth is, they are not!
In Alma 37:6, Alma shares this profound statement that applies so well to the things that we do as women, “…by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”
You may wonder about the impact that you have. You may question your worth and whether or not you are doing enough. Let me tell you right now, that those seemingly small and simple things, are having a profound impact and are pivotal in bringing about great things.
President Nelson extended this warning to us, “There are those who would undermine your ability to call upon the power of God. There are some who would have you doubt yourself and minimize your stellar spiritual capacity as a righteous woman.”
As women, we have a “stellar spiritual capacity.” Isn’t that beautiful? We have a capacity to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us and on the world. It does not matter if we are young, old, or somewhere in between, we can make a positive difference as we put our trust in the Lord and allow Him to guide us. He will help us to know whom to serve and how to help.
I’ll never forget the YW’s leader who, in my grief following my younger brother’s death, just held me as I cried. It was a small moment in time, yet a moment that will stay with me forever.
The examples are endless. Small and simple acts of service, that then go on to have a ripple effect. Each one but a small moment in time, yet impactful. Each one of us has the capacity, in our own way to make such a ripple in the lives of others.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your divine capacity to serve, love, and follow the Spirit. Your unique abilities and spiritual impressions will guide you in your desires to bless the lives of others. And whether or not you realize it, you are making a difference.

Karen has grown from being a shy child who wouldn’t say a word to stepping outside her comfort zone each day to inspire others to see what they are capable of as they put their faith and trust in God. She loves the simple joys that life brings and has learned that they are ways that God shows his love for his children. You can find her free “Recognizing God’s Love” gratitude course on her blog.
Karen has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brigham Young University Idaho and is a certified life coach where she is devoted to helping families realize their divine worth and potential. She has been passionately studying personal development since she was 15 and loves to share the things that she has learned. On Instagram each week she shares affirmation videos for recognizing your worth and potential as well as tips for deepening your connection with self, family, and God.
She and her husband, Jordan, are enjoying their life together with their 3 girls who give Karen much of her inspiration. She recently wrote the book, “Raising Super C Kids” where she shares the things that have helped her to teach her kids confidence, courage, compassion, and connection. Karen currentlay calls California, USA home.
You can connect with Karen on Instagram, Facebook, or on her Website.