salt lake temple

Step By Step

My heart was racing as my anxiety began to grow. I had just received a message from an Instagram friend asking me to post a video in her Instagram stories highlighting 5 women who I felt were going about doing good. I loved what she was doing and I was honored that she would ask me to be a
part of it. Yet, the first thought that I had was, “No way. I do NOT want to do that.” Subconsciously the thought that was there was, “I’m too afraid to do that.”
Then the next thought quickly came, powerfully and with great force. It was one of those thoughts that you know comes from a higher power.

“That is exactly why you need to do it.”

The Lord was telling me that I needed to step outside my comfort zone and accept. With trembling hands, I messaged my friend, telling her I would do it. When the scheduled time came, I did it. I was nervous – so, so nervous. But, I knew that I needed to do it and I trusted that the Lord would help me. And He did.

About ten years earlier, when I was a missionary, my mission district wanted to create a video. Each missionary in the district had a part. All I had to do was recite a scripture that I knew, loved, and already had memorized. Yet when it came time to record my part, as soon as the camera started recording, I
would freeze. I could not speak the words. Something so familiar to me, as reciting this scripture, was so hard for me to say. The longer it took for me to record my part, the more takes I had to perform, I began to criticize myself, “Why is this so hard? I know the scripture. All I need to do is open my mouth to say

Yet I couldn’t. In silent prayer, I pled with the Lord to help me break through. This was not the first time I had trouble opening my mouth and speaking. As a child, I wouldn’t even talk to my teacher at school. The first time I was asked to give a talk, I couldn’t go through with it. However, I had learned, little by little, that the Lord would support me in my struggle. In 1 Nephi 3:7 Nephi says,

“I will go and do the things that the Lord hath commanded for I know that the
Lord giveth no commandment unto the children of men, save He shall prepare a way that they may
accomplish the things which he commandeth them.”

The Lord had helped me to get to a point in my struggle to speak where I could talk with people every day about the gospel of Jesus Christ and where I would be leading groups of people around Temple Square. The Lord could also help me to record this video. So, after many tries and heartfelt prayer, I was
finally able to do my part for the video.

Now, ten years later, the Lord was asking me to again, speak on video to others. Yes, I was afraid. But I also knew, from experience, that the Lord would support me. The month after posting on my friend’s Instagram stories, I felt the Lord guiding me to start posting affirmation videos every weekday. The Lord guided me and prepared me to fulfill His purposes and He continues to do so. Most of the time, the leaps of faith that the Lord asks of us are stepping stones to a greater call. While they may be hard and difficult in that moment, the Lord is there to support us. He has a much clearer vision of our divine potential.

Isaiah 28:10 teaches us that we learn, “precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.” As primary children we learn the basics. We learn how to pray, that scriptures teach us about Christ, that we are children of God, who loves us. And then we build on that, little by little. We
begin to have prayers answered, to feel the Spirit, to take a step of faith which in turn helps us to see that the Lord will support us.

Gospel living is a process, a beautiful process, where our faith builds over time. When we struggle and falter, it does not mean that the Lord will see us as less than or weak. It means that we are being strengthened, we are learning, we are growing, we are working on the next step in our spiritual development. Our Heavenly Father continues to love us whether or not we succeed. He sees what we are capable of and He is patient and kind. He is guiding us, line upon line, precept upon precept, step by step. Be patient with yourself. You are capable.

Photo Credit: Salt Lake City Temple, Kristin Hale Photography


Karen has grown from being a shy child who wouldn’t say a word to stepping outside her comfort zone each day to inspire others to see what they are capable of as they put their faith and trust in God. She loves the simple joys that life brings and has learned that they are ways that God shows his love for his children. You can find her free “Recognizing God’s Love” gratitude course on her blog.

Karen has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brigham Young University Idaho and is a certified life coach where she is devoted to helping families realize their divine worth and potential. She has been passionately studying personal development since she was 15 and loves to share the things that she has learned. On Instagram each week she shares affirmation videos for recognizing your worth and potential as well as tips for deepening your connection with self, family, and God.   

She and her husband, Jordan, are enjoying their life together with their 3 girls who give Karen much of her inspiration. She recently wrote the book, “Raising Super C Kids” where she shares the things that have helped her to teach her kids confidence, courage, compassion, and connection. Karen currentlay calls California, USA home.

You can connect with Karen on InstagramFacebook, or on her Website.