• Believe in Christ • Encourage Always • Lift Everyone •

Meet Stephanie

Stephanie is an author, blogger, and mom of two energetic girls. She loves anything creative and struggles to pick one thing to focus on. Because of this, she is constantly looking to learn new skills and loves taking online courses.

Stephanie has published two books and is currently learning more about publishing. She hopes to start her own publishing company so she can help other new authors publish and market their works on a low budget.

She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Dietetics and loves talking about health. She loves making nutritious meals but often struggles to find time with her new family. She hopes to write more and provide support to other young moms struggling to find the time to care for their health.

She served her mission in Nampa, Idaho. Stephanie has a deep gratitude for the Atonement of the Savior and desires to share His hope and light with others.

You can connect with Stephanie on Instagram or find her books here.


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