blooms in springtime



I have several reasons for loving the month of March. First, March is my birthday month. I love birthdays…yes even my own! It is so fun to have people share their wishes, and lets be real, who doesn’t like to be showered with gifts? I also like March because my husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary two days after my birthday. I enjoy these occasions to reflect on the past and continue to plan for the future.

Another reason I love March is light. March gives us the first glimpse of Spring. The light starts just a little earlier in the morning and stays just a little bit longer in the evenings. I begin to feel hopeful in March. The dark drudgery of January and February are finally over. After an extensive ten second Internet search, I learned that we gain just over 3 minutes of sunlight each day throughout the month of March. This brings me a great feeling of hope!

When I think about light and hope, I remember the Savior and what He said about himself.

"I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (John 8:12) 

I walk early each morning and in the winter months, it is very cold and very dark while I walk. March walking brings me a little more light. It brings me a little more warmth and comfort. It fills me with hope. Julie B. Beck speaks of hope because of our Savior. She says:

“Ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal. Because you have a Savior, you also believe in a happy, eternal life of creating, serving, and learning. You are already in the strait and narrow path, and there is hope smiling brightly before you. … You just need to stay in, pressing forward with a brightness of hope”

Jean B. Bingham There Is Hope Smiling Brightly Before Us, General Conference, April 2003

March is light. March is hope. Press forward through March because better days are coming and the darkest days are behind!


Camille is happily married to her husband for almost 26 years now! Together, they are trying hard to survive raising their five kids. She has two adult children, two teenagers, and an 8-year-old.  She has started her 18th year of homeschooling and is still trying to figure things out!

As a stay-at-home mom, Camille’s favorite things are reading books, electric blankets, writing, working on her “very little farm”, and dancing while doing the dishes. She needs to trademark her “mom dance” that the kids love to mock her over.

Camille is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is always wearing out her copy of the conference talks. When she is not in an apron or highlighting the latest book she is reading, Camille spends time taking kids to music lessons, debate tournaments, gymnastics classes, and wrestling competitions.  

 One of Camille’s greatest achievements is losing 75 pounds in the year 2020 and is on the way to releasing the last 25 pounds in 2021.

Camille currently resides in Utah, USA with her family.

You can connect with Camille on InstagramFacebook, or on her Website.